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ISSS 2016: Realizing Sustainable Futures

Date: June 10, 2016

The International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) will hold its 60th annual meeting and 1st policy congress in two locations: at the University of Colorado Boulder in Colorado and at Vignan's University in Vadlamudi, India. The India portion of the conference – titled "Leadership for Sustainable Socio-Ecological Systems" – will run from 23 to 25 July and will be followed by events in the U.S. – titled "Realizing Sustainable Futures in Socio-Ecological Systems" – that will run from 24 to 30 July.

Joshua Tewksbury, Director of the Colorado Global Hub of Future Earth, will speak at the conference during a keynote talk and at a special presentation at Boulder's Fiske Planetarium.

Events in the U.S. will cover a range of themes, including "towards holistic system(s) theory," "inter-faith perspectives on global sustainability" and "engineering sustainable systems and technology." In India, participants will explore "renewable and sustainable Energy," "circular economic models for business, societies, entrepreneurs and communities" and "habitat resilience."

You can submit abstracts for both conference locations until 20 June.

To learn more about ISSS 2016, to register or submit abstracts, see the conference website.